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Learning more about #photovoltaics

Learning more about #photovoltaics

We are pleased to introduce Ibrahim, a 14-year-old currently attending the 4th grade at #öffentliche #schule #der #stadt #wien in #Zinckgasse.

Ibrahim spent a week with us as part of his #berufspraktische tage, focusing on delving into the world of #photovoltaics.

Throughout those 5 days, he was able to deepen his #understanding of #photovoltaic technology, and did some reading on the #impact of #greenenergy on our #planet, and specifically, how it benefits the #city of #Wien.

Ibrahim was given the opportunity to #shadow our #colleagues, and #observe their day-to-day activities.

He was able to compile his #findings into a brief #presentation , which he presented to his #classmates upon his return to #school the following week.

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